Choral Evensong at Wells Cathedral

Choral Evensong at Wells Cathedral on 19 June commemorated the centenary of The Malines Conversations - the start of the dialogue between the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church.

Over 200 people were present, and then attended a public lecture in the Nave by Bishop Rowan Williams, Lord Williams of Oystermouth, entitled 'A Blind Date? The beginnings of Anglican/Roman Catholic dialogue 1921-1925'.

Organised in partnership with Churches Together in Somerset, this event was an important expression of our ecumenical journey together.

Dr J Armitage Robison, Dean of Wells 1911-1933, was a key player in the original Malines Conversations. They continue today. See

Dean Robinson was a close friend of Sir Edward Elgar and so it was most appropriate that we had Elgar for the Organ Postlude.

Pictured left to right:

'The Canon Chancellor, Major Jean Harris and Major Ian Harris (Divisional Commanders, The Salvation Army), Lord Williams, The Abbot of Downside, The Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Clifton, Bishop Christopher Foster (representing The Acting Bishop of Bath & Wells)


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